Join/Donate to PASI Today!
Peace Action of Staten Island offers a sliding scale membership.
No member turned away!
$10 Student/Senior/Fixed Income
$26 Regular
$40 Family
$100 Sponsor of Peace
Donate to join PASI today by using the Donate button below.
When you donate to Peace Action of Staten Island, your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Peace Action of Staten Island, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the non-violent resolution of conflict, the abolition of nuclear weapons, halting the global spread of conventional arms, building a human rights culture and supporting human needs instead of militarism.
You can also join PASI by:
1) Clicking here to download the PASI membership form
2) Make out a check to "Peace Action of Staten Island."
3) Mailing your form and check to : PO Box 201, St. George Station, Staten Island NY 10301
For more information, email